Solar Photovoltaic
Solar photovoltaic power is a great solution for many customers that are able to leverage their existing building or land resources to harness the power of the sun. Photovoltaic panels convert the solar power directly to electrical energy for use on site by the customer. The solar system is readily integrated into the roofing system of the building or on the customer’s land. Solar projects produce no noise concerns and have very limited aesthetic impact.
Battery Storage
As more intermittent energy sources are added to the grid, battery storage enables the electrical system to be responsive and flexible. The battery can charge during times of excess generation and discharge at times of higher demand. The battery also provides instantaneous response to system fluctuations to help smooth the delivery of power. Batteries can provide services directly to customers to provide peak shaving, load shifting and backup power.
Gas Turbine/Combined Heat and Power
Natural gas is an abundant, low cost fuel source that emits half of the carbon dioxide as coal. Gas turbine plants are highly efficient and provide tremendous flexibility in responding to the energy needs of the customer. A combined heat and power plant utilizes the waste heat from the gas turbine to produce steam that can be used to generate more electricity and/or as a thermal energy source.